Rabbi Rebelias

About Rabbi Rebelias

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So far Rabbi Rebelias has created 187 blog entries.

Open House!

If you missed the Open House.... Please contact us to learn more about this vibrant congregation! We'd be happy to speak with you or send you information; we can also [...]

Open House!2018-07-09T17:08:04-04:00

The Roots of Hope

I conducted an interesting experiment as a prelude to writing these words. I entered into Google’s search engine the phrase “antidote to despair”. I found the results intriguing. Among the [...]

The Roots of Hope2018-07-09T17:08:12-04:00

Two powerful images…

Since 2009, North American Jewish Communities have been celebrating Jewish Disability Awareness Month in February. Now known as Jewish Disability and Inclusion Month (JDAIM), it is an opportunity to [...]

Two powerful images…2018-07-19T11:59:23-04:00
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