Rabbi Rebelias

About Rabbi Rebelias

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So far Rabbi Rebelias has created 187 blog entries.


As American Jews we stand astride two cultures, American and Jewish, and we’re blessed with their respective fruits. At Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, we indulge ourselves in [...]


Reflections on Our Response to the Shootings in Pittsburgh, delivered by Pamela Rothstein at Falmouth’s Vigil

Reflections on Our Response to the Shootings in Pittsburgh, shared by Pamela Rothstein at the Falmouth Vigil this November Today we stand together as a community. A sacred community, [...]

Reflections on Our Response to the Shootings in Pittsburgh, delivered by Pamela Rothstein at Falmouth’s Vigil2018-12-04T18:32:56-05:00

Ariel Burger at FJC on November 27 for a Jewish Book Council Author Talk (“Witness: Lessons from Elie Wiesel’s Classroom”)

Ariel Burger, Author of Witness: Lessons from Elie Wiesel's Classroom, a Jewish Book Council Author Talk at FJC on November 27 Tuesday, November 17 at 1:00 P.M. Free of [...]

Ariel Burger at FJC on November 27 for a Jewish Book Council Author Talk (“Witness: Lessons from Elie Wiesel’s Classroom”)2018-11-12T17:08:40-05:00

A Jewish Journey

Through the decades that I have worked as a rabbi, some of my deepest satisfactions have come from the interactions I have had with individuals who sought to become [...]

A Jewish Journey2018-10-18T14:38:54-04:00

October Musings

October Ted Kooser (from At Home, a chapbook) First one leaf yellows, loosens, falls and from the hole it fell from leaks a drop of cold, and then another [...]

October Musings2018-10-11T16:47:32-04:00
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