Brotherhood of the Falmouth Jewish Congregation

The Brotherhood of the Falmouth Jewish Congregation is committed to the observance and furtherance of the ideals of Judaism consistent with the policies of the Congregation, to promote closer fellowship among the Brotherhood members, to support the activities of the Congregation; to be mentors for religious, social, educational, and recreational endeavors, and to support the Temple in any other way that we can.


Any adult male who is committed to our objectives, and who will support the Jewish community locally and throughout the world, is eligible for membership. Our Dues at the present time are $35.00 per year.

To get to know us, you are invited to attend any one of our breakfasts. Breakfasts are generally scheduled every two months; the date and time is announced in the Temple Newsletter. In addition to substantial and delicious food, there may be speakers on local topics, current events, or Jewish interests or movies to inform or entertain. Also, some of our members get together once a week for card games, but other kinds of games can be arranged.

We also support local charitable and socially-conscious organizations, the b’nei mitzvah of the Congregation, and our members participate in minyanim for shiva services.

Click here to go to the Brotherhood website:

Click on the links below to access a descriptive Brotherhood brochure as well as a membership application. Both documents can be downloaded for printing

Congressman William Keating addressing the Brotherhood June 2018 Breakfast
Brotherhood-Member Rich Vengroff Addressing Brotherhood Breakfast Immigration Crisis
Congressman William Keating addressing the Brotherhood June 2018 Breakfast
Brotherrhood Kitchen Crew Preparing for the Annual Brotherhood Fall Dinner October 2017
Brotherhood Breakfast
Brotherhood Annual Meeting June 2018

Arthur Brecher - Brotherhood President