Join us for Tot Shabbat on Saturday, March 15, 9-10am
At FJC's Blanche & Joel D. Seifer Community Center building at 7 Hatchville Road
For members and the public, children up to roughly 2nd grade. Siblings welcome, too. Free of charge.
Please register in advance to let us know that you are coming. Click here or write to
Are you are Jewish or Interfaith family with preschool or school-age children looking for a welcoming place to meet families and teach your children about Judaism? Come to a Tot Shabbat and enjoy an hour of activities to celebrate Shabbat in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Singing, music and stories with Rabbi Folberg, followed by snack and a craft. Interfaith families are welcome.
Contact Pamela Rothstein, Director of Lifelong Learning, for more information about Tot Shabbat and youth education at Falmouth Jewish Congregation (Reform). We’d love to hear from you. | 508-540-0602 | 7 Hatchville Road, E. Falmouth