Come Worship and Celebrate with This Year’s Adult B’not Mitzvah Class
Saturday, June 6 at 10:00 A.M., followed by a festive Kiddush
Another group of adult members has stepped up to dedicate a year of study toward becoming b’not mitzvah. Kathleen Gaylord, Gloria Lash, and Merrilee Richter have spent the year studying Jewish ethics, Hebrew and t’filot (prayers), and bonding during this special time of Jewish learning and growth. We, their teachers, are proud of them all.
We invite you to support them, worship under their guidance as service leaders, and hear them chant Torah. Each will offer reflections on Torah and their Jewish journeys in a d’var Torah.
Adult b’nei mitzvah-led services are amongst the bright highlights of FJC”s Lifelong Learning and community gatherings. Don’t miss this special Shabbat. You will surely be inspired