“It Takes Chutzpah” – A Virtual Jewish Book Council Author Talk by Senator Ron Wyden

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A Jewish Book Council Virtual Author Talk by Senator Ron Wyden

Thursday, January 30 at 7pm on Zoom

Free and open to the public. Click here to register in advance for this event: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAld-uorzsuH9IBK9QeFnm6FwTeqBrs0WJH

What critics are saying:

"For decades, my friend Ron Wyden has been a relentless force for finding creative solutions to break the gridlock in Washington debates, from health care to climate to civil rights to taxes and safeguarding our democracy. He starts with how best to improve the lives of people, and works backwards from there. He's a fellow wonk who gets things done, and this book is a great guide to that work."―Hillary Rodham Clinton, 67th U.S. Secretary of State

“Chutzpah rules! -- both as Sen. Wyden’s eight norms of effective leadership and advocacy, and as a leitmotif for what America’s  extraordinary challenges calls for from people of conscience of all religions and none.  By transforming  into universal tools of social transformation the age old Jewish cultural and ethical values of chutzpah and tikkun olam, values that inspired and guided him through his fascinating  journey to become one of the U.S Senate’s most effective and influential figures, he has crafted a memoir and the call to action that America needs.”―Rabbi David Sapperstein, Former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

Join this event:

Everyone is invited to hear Senator Ron Wyden in conversation about this new book. It Takes Chutz­pah is an inspi­ra­tional call to action by a senior U.S. politi­cian, describ­ing how Amer­i­cans of all age groups, per­sua­sions, and occu­pa­tions can defy con­ven­tion, chart new path­ways for their com­mu­ni­ties, schools, at work and in life. Sen­a­tor Wyden is wide­ly praised for com­ing up with sen­si­ble-sound­ing ideas no one else had thought of and mak­ing the counter-intu­itive polit­i­cal alliances that prove help­ful in pass­ing bills. In It Takes Chutz­pah, he offers a pro­gres­sive leader’s man­i­festo for being a coura­geous war­rior dur­ing tur­bu­lent times. Ron explores chutz­pah​’s long his­to­ry and many inter­pre­ta­tions and reclaims the word chutz­pah for a new Amer­i­can gen­er­a­tion, show­ing how it can be used for good to reclaim ide­al­ism and enact pos­i­tive change. He shares ​“Ron’s 12 Rules of Chutz­pah” that enable any indi­vid­ual or group to achieve their objectives

About the author: 

Ron Wyden, a Demo­c­ra­t­ic Sen­a­tor from Ore­gon, served in the U.S. House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives from 1981 until his 1995 elec­tion to the U.S. Sen­ate. Ore­go­ni­ans — and all atten­tive Amer­i­cans — know Wyden as a sen­a­tor who lis­tens and inno­vates. The son of two refugees from Nazi Ger­many, he was born in Wichi­ta and lived in Chica­go, St. Louis, and Wash­ing­ton D.C., as his father Peter Wyden, a jour­ney­man jour­nal­ist and lat­er a best-sell­ing author, pur­sued his career and curiosity.

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