Virtual JBC Author Talk: Barry Schwartz on Norman Finkelstein’s “Saying No to Hate: Overcoming Antisemitism in America”

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A Virtual Jewish Book Council Author Talk by Barry Schwartz on Norman Finkelstein's Saying No to Hate: Overcoming Antisemitism in America"

Thursday, April 10 at 7pm on Zoom

Everyone is invited to this free, virtual (Zoom) Jewish Book Council author talk.

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2024 National Jewish Book Award Finalist in Education and Jewish Identity

Saying No to Hate grounds readers contextually in the history of antisemitism in America by emphasizing the legal, political, educational, communal, and other strategies American Jews have used through the centuries to address high-profile threats.

"Two-time National Jewish Book Award winner Finkelstein . . . . Draws on exhaustive research for an account that’s comprehensive, accessible, and nuanced."—Publishers Weekly

"A survey of the origins and history of antisemitism and how only a vigorous response from the community can stop it. Finkelstein (1941–2024), a two-time winner of the National Jewish Book Awards. . . . Shows how Jews fervently believed in America's promise of equality and opportunity, despite efforts to restrict them. . . . [An] even-toned overview of American antisemitism, suitable for all readers."—Kirkus Reviews 

"Saying No to Hate is a sobering, empowering primer on how antisemitism and the fight against it changed the face of America."—Foreword Reviews

"Say­ing No to Hate traces the his­to­ry of Amer­i­can anti­semitism and the Jew­ish community’s response. It offers us a deep­er under­stand­ing of how events in America’s past have informed the mete­oric rise in hatred and vio­lence we see today."  - From Jonathan Fass's review at the Jewish Book Council website. Read the full review here:

Nor­man Finkelstein (1941 – 2024) taught Jew­ish his­to­ry at Hebrew Col­lege for more than thir­ty-five years and is the author of twen­ty-one non­fic­tion his­to­ries and biogra­phies. Two of his books, Heed­ing the Call and Forged in Free­dom, won Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards.

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