Events for August 28 - October 30

Shabbat Service (Indoors)

Goode Chapel 7 Hatchville Road, East Falmouth, United States

Pre-registration is required to attend services. All attendees (primary & guests) registering here must be an FJC Member. When a member wishes to bring a non-member guest to an event [...]


Shabbat Morning Service

Falmouth Jewish Congregation 7 Hatchville Road, East Falmouth, MA, United States

Our first-Saturday-of-the-month service resumes after a COVID hiatus! Held in Goode Chapel at 10:00 A.M. A kiddush follows. RSVP is required. Please email the office at

Jewish Book Council Talk by Michelle Ephraim

Falmouth Jewish Congregation 7 Hatchville Road, East Falmouth, MA, United States

Green World: A Tragicomic Memoir of Love & Shakespeare Jewish Book Council In-Person Author Talk by Michelle Ephraim Thursday, December 12 at 11am at FJC 7 Hatchville Road | Advance [...]

Free – $5.00

Join us for a Pre-Chanukah Dinner & Shabbat Evening Service

Falmouth Jewish Congregation 7 Hatchville Road, East Falmouth, MA, United States

Join a lovely Shabbat of worship, socializing and dining, with a pre-Chanukah theme. We'll begin the evening in Goode Chapel at 5pm for an early Shabbat service and then head [...]


Membership Committee Meeting

Falmouth Jewish Congregation 7 Hatchville Road, East Falmouth, MA, United States

FJC's Membership Committee meets on the third Monday of the month at 2pm. Contact Chair Arlene Lowenstein if you are interested in the work of this vital committee.

Shabbat Service (Indoors)

Goode Chapel 7 Hatchville Road, East Falmouth, United States

Pre-registration is required to attend services. All attendees (primary & guests) registering here must be an FJC Member. When a member wishes to bring a non-member guest to an event [...]


Shabbat Service (Indoors)

Goode Chapel 7 Hatchville Road, East Falmouth, United States

Pre-registration is required to attend services. All attendees (primary & guests) registering here must be an FJC Member. When a member wishes to bring a non-member guest to an event [...]


Shabbat Morning Service

Falmouth Jewish Congregation 7 Hatchville Road, East Falmouth, MA, United States

Our first-Saturday-of-the-month service resumes after a COVID hiatus! Held in Goode Chapel at 10:00 A.M. A kiddush follows. RSVP is required. Please email the office at

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