Sunday, March 2 at 10:00 A.M.

Hineinu Meeting for Bereavement and Culinary Volunteers ONLY!

Pat Barron and Ann Rider, Hineinu Co-Chairs, will be meeting with Bereavement and Culinary Volunteers on March 2, at 10 a.m. in Speen Hall. These are FJC members who signed up at the December 2024 Hineinu Meeting to volunteer for these two particular subgroups.

Throughout this Spring, Ann and Pat will be meeting with each of the seven Hineinu subgroups. Members who signed up to volunteer for one of these areas - Welcoming New Members, Friendly Visitors, Landscaping, Card Making, and Needlework - will be contacted via email.

Please note that the March 2 meeting is NOT OPEN to all members, but that we do welcome your interest in participating in Hineinu. Another information meeting will be held in the future for all FJC members interested in volunteering for Hineinu.

Hineinu ("Here we are" in Hebrew).