IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) Presentation to Mark Our Reading of the Noah Story

Vegetarian Potluck Dinner & IFAW Presentation

Thursday, October 19 at 6:00 P.M. (Talk begins at 6:30 p.m.)

Free and open to the public. All are welcome. Please bring a vegetarian dish to share.

Falmouth Jewish Congregation is pleased to mark Parashat Noach  (the Torah's Noah story situated in this week's reading) with a presentation by one of the world’s leading animal welfare agencies. IFAW’s mission is to rescue and protect animals around the world, safeguard populations, and preserve habitat. Founded in 1969 in Canada and in the UK in 1981, the International Fund for Animal Welfare now is headquartered in Yarmouth Port, MA. With projects in more than 40 countries, IFAW provides hands-on assistance to animals in need, whether it's dogs and cats, wildlife and livestock, or rescuing animals in the wake of disasters. IFAW also advocates saving populations from cruelty and depletion, such as its campaign to end commercial whaling and seal hunts. Its work connects animal welfare and conservation, demonstrating that healthy populations, naturally sustaining habitats and the welfare of individual animals are intertwined. IFAW’s team, which work closely with communities to find solutions that benefit both animals and people, includes rescue workers, conservation specialists, rural community development experts, wildlife crime prevention and enforcement professionals, veterinarians, policy experts, campaigners, scientists, educators and the highest quality support staff.

Presenters at Falmouth Jewish Congregation will include a member of IFAW’s Community Animal Welfare program and Misty Niemeyer, a staff member of IFAW’s Marine Mammal Rescue & Research team. Ms. Niemeyer, formerly with the Cape Cod Stranding Network, CCSN) is part of the team that provides response for all stranded marine mammals on Cape Cod and the south coast; her primary role is as the Necropsy Coordinator. This summer’s strandings and whale deaths kept Misty and her team unusually busy. IFAW’s Community Animal Welfare program aims to help cats and dogs in communities around the world, using an approach that includes both urgent, hands-on care at flagship projects around the world, as well as strategies to help communities create long-term, sustainable plans to manage their companion animals humanely. IFAW’s Humane Community Development (HCD) is a unique approach that recognizes that every community needs its own unique plan, and that community participation is the key to effective solutions. IFAW brings community members together in participatory style workshops to help them understand the root causes of their concerns, and how to create management plans that addresses the specific needs of dogs, cats and people in their community. Come hear about IFAW partnerships in Bosnia and Chile and about its current disaster aid in St. John and Barbuda. Visit IFAW’s website, full of educational and policy resources, at www.ifaw.org.

Come hear about their work and the varied programs that IFAW runs world-wide.