FJC Jewish Cookbook Club: Exploring the Cuisine of Italy's Jews

Tuesday, January 14 at Noon

This session is open to the public. Please RSVP. This event is free of charge, but participants do bring a dish from one of the selected cookbooks.

RSVP by clicking here:

Select and prepare a recipe from one of three cookbooks on the cuisine of Italy’s Jews. All can be found at Falmouth Jewish Congregation on the bookcart outside the Righter Library. Please use at FJC, copy your recipe in the office and note your selection on the list in the books.

Come enjoy a fabulous meal and conversation about both the cuisine of Italy’s Jews and or recipe preparations.

The three books are:

Cucina Ebraica, by Joyce Goldstein

The Classic Cuisine of the Italian Jews, by Edda Servi Machlin

The Jewish Sicilian Cookbook, by Pamela Hensley Vincent