Lifelong Jewish Learning is a core value upheld by FJC and Reform Judaism, both of which understand that developing and maintaining a personal and relevant connection to our Jewish heritage must be based on being educated and informed.
On any given day at Falmouth Jewish Congregation, there is active learning taking place. You might hear Hebrew, Yiddish, laughter, impassioned discussion, the soundtrack of a film, the voice of a teacher, the opinion of a student, the enthusiasm of a child, a passage of Torah in our worship service. Ours is an active and engaged community, indeed.
The extent of learning opportunities at our congregation is wide-ranging, especially for a congregation of our size. This reflects its centrality to the FJC’s mission to serve the Upper Cape community as a center for Jewish life, learning, and community, as well as the FJC’s appreciation of the role of learning in deepening Jewish life, Jewish living, and Jewish connections for all ages. Lifelong learning at the Falmouth Jewish Congregation enables all FJC members to engage in the obligation of lifelong Jewish learning in ways that are creative, stimulating, and age-appropriate. Effective learning can help each of us create an expression of Judaism that is authentically personal, while at the same time drawing together the congregational community, fulfilling our tradition's call to study in partnership with others.
Lifelong Jewish Learning is a core value upheld by FJC and Reform Judaism, both of which understand that developing and maintaining a personal and relevant connection to our Jewish heritage must be based on being educated and informed. May our individual learning and our collective study lead to enhanced Jewish engagement and effective Tikkun Olam (repair of the world).