Lifelong Jewish Learning is a core value upheld by FJC and Reform Judaism, both of which understand that developing and maintaining a personal and relevant connection to our Jewish heritage must be based on being educated and informed.

On any given day at Falmouth Jewish Congregation, there is active learning taking place. You might hear Hebrew, Yiddish, laughter, impassioned discussion, the soundtrack of a film, the voice of a teacher, the opinion of a student, the enthusiasm of a child, a passage of Torah in our worship service. Ours is an active and engaged community, indeed.
Ongoing Lifelong Learning
- Saturday morning Torah Study with Rabbi Lieberman, including monthly Bagels Before Torah Study
- Text Tuesday with Rabbi Lieberman
- Beginning Adult Hebrew with Pamela Rothstein
- Intermediate Adult Hebrew with Pamela Rothstein
- Parent Learning in Beit Sefer
FJC Summer Jewish Film Festival
Our popular Summer Jewish Film Series offers award-wining films and discussions that are entertaining, educational, and thought-provoking for both members and a large number of the community. The film selection ranged from feature films to documentaries and, as usual, included recent Israeli award winners.
Jewish Book Council Author Network Talks
Through membership in the Jewish Book Council’s Author Network, FJC brings authors for book talks and book signings. These popular events are free and open to the public.
Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) College Commons
FJC belongs to HUC-JIR Los Angeles campus’s lively lifelong learning tool, a series of video courses and podcasts that address timeless and timely topics of Jewish interest. These resources are meant to be used at congregations to promote in-person discussion.
Specialized Classes
Both our professional staff (Rabbi and Director of Lifelong Learning) and visiting scholars lead courses and lectures on a variety of topics.
Special Events (Guest speakers, performances)
FJC hosts guest lecturers, authors, and performers (music, dance, theater) in events that are often open to the public.
FJC Reads (A Community-Wide Book Discussion)
For ten years FJC has offered “FJC Reads,” a congregation-wide reading program that brings members together to discuss a work of fiction or non-fiction of Jewish interest. Past selections have included both fiction and non-fiction, works of obvious Jewish content and others, like Steinbeck’s East of Eden, with biblical connections.
Holiday Learning and Programs
FJC’s calendar is filled year-round with a variety of holiday-related educational and experiential programs, from books discussions to cooking classes, guest speakers, and films with discussions. Every holiday should offer a chance to deepen and refresh our understanding and engagement.
Multigenerational learning and programming
Multigenerational learning and programming continues to be a goal toward which we strive at the FJC. Events that bring our community together in this way include: Purim cabarets, multigenerational Shabbat and holiday dinners, assembling Shaloch Manot at Purim, the Dorot group that meets with our b’nei mitzvah class, guest speakers in Beit Sefer, and Lifelong Learning activities, especially during our thematic programs.
Righter Library
Membership at FJC brings the privilege of access to the many and varied materials in our Righter Library and to other resources available through FJC. We encourage use of:
- The Righter Library (current and classic books, CDs, DVDs, magazines)
- The FJC website (including links to other organizations)
- Learning materials / handouts in the hallway outside the library
- Consultation with the Rabbi and Director of Lifelong Learning