A Special JBC Author Talk Honoring Mother's Day - with Former Member of Congress and Journalist Marjorie Margolies Discussing Her Memoir "And How Are the Children?"

Tuesday, May 9 at 3pm on Zoom and FCTV (broadcast on Public Channel 13 or streamed on fctv.org)

Free and Open to the Public
On Zoom or Live Broadcast on FCTV Public Channel 13 or streamed on the FCTV website

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Mar­jorie Mar­golies’s Jew­ish father always said that you should aspire to change another’s life. That con­cept of tikkun olam, was instilled in her from an ear­ly age and she was deter­mined to apply the con­cept to her own fam­i­ly. Mar­jorie’s fam­i­ly grew expo­nen­tial­ly. She adopt­ed two girls from Viet­nam and Korea, mar­ried a Jew­ish Con­gress­man with four daugh­ters, and spon­sored a Catholic refugee fam­i­ly from Viet­nam bring­ing the num­ber of kids under her roof to eleven. Mar­jorie had a Jew­ish home, but one of her pri­or­i­ties was to instill in her kids’ respect for all faiths. They cel­e­brat­ed Han­nukah and Christ­mas. Sun­day morn­ings meant Sun­day school – both Catholic and Jew­ish. They did Seders and Catholic Mass­es. They said Jew­ish and Catholic prayers. Her chil­dren mar­ried in Jew­ish or ecu­meni­cal cer­e­monies. It was an organ­ic way to make every­one feel includ­ed yet tol­er­ant of oth­er belief sys­tems. Mar­jorie’s book is the sto­ry of this journey.

Mar­jorie Mar­golies is a for­mer mem­ber of Con­gress from Penn­syl­va­nia, a jour­nal­ist, a wom­en’s rights advo­cate, and a serendip­i­tous moth­er many times over. She is per­haps best remem­bered for being the first unmar­ried Amer­i­can to adopt a for­eign child and for cast­ing the decid­ing vote in favor of Pres­i­dent Clin­ton’s 1993 bud­get, the Omnibus Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion Act. She worked as a jour­nal­ist with NBC and its owned and oper­at­ed sta­tions for 25 years, win­ning five Emmy Awards. Run­ning as a Demo­c­rat, she was elect­ed to rep­re­sent the tra­di­tion­al­ly Repub­li­can 13th Dis­trict of Penn­syl­va­nia in Con­gress. She was also the deputy chair of the Unit­ed States del­e­ga­tion to the Unit­ed Nations Fourth World Con­fer­ence for Women in Bei­jing in 1995. As a result of that expe­ri­ence, she found­ed Wom­en’s Cam­paign Inter­na­tion­al (WCI), an orga­ni­za­tion that pro­vides empow­er­ment train­ing for women around the world. She is cur­rent­ly a fac­ul­ty mem­ber at the Annen­berg School of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia, and at last count, her fam­i­ly con­sist­ed of 11 chil­dren and 21 grandchildren.