Join us for this Jewish Book Council Zoom-based author talk by Micah Siva | Includes a cooking demo

Tuesday, February 11 at 2:00 P.M. on Zoom

Micah Siva on her cookbook Nosh: Plant-Forward Recipes Celebrating Modern Jewish Cuisine

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"This will appeal to anyone trying to convince Bubbe that Passover can be done without the meat, with genuinely appealing options." ― Booklist

"With so much to savor, this expert guide will be a boon to vegetarian cooks looking to enjoy traditional Jewish cuisine." ― Publishers Weekly

"With its mix of plant-based twists on classic dishes and exciting new plates featuring global ingredients, Nosh is a tantalizing addition to the Jewish cookery canon." ― Foreword Reviews

From Kenden Alfond’s review for the JBC: “In Nosh, Mic­ah Siva skill­ful­ly nav­i­gates the inter­sec­tion of plant-for­ward eat­ing and Jew­ish food tra­di­tions, com­bin­ing fla­vors that reflect both Jew­ish food her­itage and con­tem­po­rary dietary trends and pref­er­ences. The visu­al allure of the cook­book is imme­di­ate­ly appar­ent: each recipe is brought to life through stun­ning pho­tographs that enhance the over­all read­ing experience.

The cook­book is metic­u­lous­ly orga­nized, offer­ing an array of plant-for­ward recipes that ranges from savory to sweet. Instruc­tions are con­cise and easy to fol­low, ensur­ing an enjoy­able cook­ing expe­ri­ence for sea­soned cooks and new­com­ers alike. Prepare imag­i­na­tive dish­es like car­rot ​“lox” and lemo­ny blintzes, turmer­ic veg­etable mat­zo ball soup, every­thing bagel ​“fat­toush” sal­ad and veg­an pota­to latkes, plant-for­ward options like savory pulled mush­room-and-tofu ​“brisket” and spiced cau­li­flower chraime, and desserts such as kitchen sink man­del­brot and hal­vah pis­ta­chio bab­ka rolls.