
Attend a Virtual JBC Author Talk on “Say­ing No to Hate: Over­com­ing Anti­semitism in America” (Thurs. 4/10 @ 7pm)

Attend a Free, Virtual JBC Author Talk on "Say­ing No to Hate: Over­com­ing Anti­semitism in America" by Norman Finkelstein (z'l), presented by Barry Schwartz Thursday, April 10 @ 7pm [...]

By |March 12th, 2025|Home Page, Lifelong Learning, Special Event|

Attend a free, virtual Jewish Book Council author talk by Kenneth Krimstein on Einstein in Kafkaland: How Albert Fell Down the Rabbit Hole and Came Up with the Universe [Thursday, 3/27 at 7pm]

Kenneth Krimstein | Einstein in Kafkaland: How Albert Fell Down the Rabbit Hole and Came Up with the Universe Thursday, March 27 at 7pm on Zoom | Free of [...]

By |February 11th, 2025|Home Page, Lifelong Learning, Special Event|

FJC hosts a virtual Jewish Book Council author talk with award-winning author and journalist Julie Satow on “When Women Ran Fifth Avenue: Glamour and Power at the Dawn of American Fashion” [Tuesday, 3/4 @ 7pm]

Falmouth Jewish Congregation invites you to a virtual Jewish Book Council author talk with award-winning author and journalist Julie Satow on When Women Ran Fifth Avenue: Glamour and Power at [...]

By |February 11th, 2025|Home Page, Lifelong Learning, Special Event|
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