Pamela Rothstein2018-07-05T10:37:42-04:00

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Pamela RothsteinPamela Rothstein serves as Director of Lifelong Learning at the Falmouth Jewish Congregation. From the original appointment as Religious School Director in 1999, her position has expanded to better reflect her own, this congregation’s, and the Union for Reform Judaism’s commitment to lifelong Jewish learning.

Ms. Rothstein was born in Chicago, IL in 1961 and raised in Worcester, MA, where her family belonged to Temple Emanuel. She attended Brown University and was graduated in 1983 with a B.A. in Russian Studies, magna cum laude. After living for several years in Yugoslavia, Ms. Rothstein pursued graduate study in the Ph.D. program in history at Yale University, where she earned an A.B.D. in East European and Balkan history (specializing in Yugoslavia) in 1991.

After leaving academia and moving to Falmouth in 1994, Ms. Rothstein first became involved in Jewish learning as a member of the Religious School Committee before accepting the invitation to serve as Religious School Director. Since becoming Director of Lifelong Learning she has expanded learning opportunities for members of all ages. The continuing obligation of Jewish learning is reflected at the FJC by its seamless integration into all aspects of congregational life and activities, from holidays to worship, committee meetings to Social Action. It is Ms. Rothstein’s view that Jewish learning has the potential to transform one’s Jewish identity and engagement, deepening both the individual’s and collective’s relationship with Jewish tradition. By providing opportunities for all ages, abilities, and interests, she aims to maintain a vital, creative, and stimulating connection to Judaism for all members of our congregation.

Ms. Rothstein’s interests are wide-ranging, but areas of special concern that are often reflected in programming include: literature, film, history, the Shoah, German-Jewish relations, cooking, and the arts. She is active professionally, having participated in URJ conference panels and written book discussion guides for the URJ’s Significant Jewish Books.

Ms. Rothstein’s passion for tikkun olam has most recently taken the form of her work on the Steering Committee of No Place for Hate – Falmouth, her service on the Town of Falmouth’s Bikeways Committee, her service on the Neighborhood Falmouth Advisory Committee, and her role on the committee that established and maintains Falmouth’s first dog park. In recognition of her civic engagement, Ms. Rothstein was honored as “Citizen of the Year” in 2017 by the Falmouth Chamber of Commerce. In January 2018, based on her leadership in No Place for Hate – Falmouth, she will be among the recipients of recognition for Human Rights work by the Church Women United of Cape Cod.

In her non-working and non-service time, Pamela is usually found outdoors in nature, on foot or on bicycle, sometimes with her beloved dog.

To reach Pamela Rothstein by e-mail:

From the desk of Pamela Rothstein

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