Rabbi’s Thoughts2018-09-04T16:34:23-04:00


Remembering Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut (z”l)

On any given Shabbat morning, anywhere from a dozen to three dozen members of this community (and some interested non-members) gather for Torah study. Most do it “religiously”, building it into their weekend schedules as a not-to-be-missed part of their week and/or their experience of Shabbat. I have led Torah [...]

February 13th, 2012|

February is Jewish Disability Awareness Month

My father, Dr. Alfred Toby Lieberman (of blessed memory), was a physician. He was, to be precise, an “otorhinolaryngologist” (a word I learned to pronounce as a very young child)–an “ear, nose and throat” specialist. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati Medical School and went on to Johns Hopkins [...]

January 9th, 2012|


As I anticipate our nation’s observance of the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the word “legacy” has been on my mind. One definition for that words supplies us with this: “anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.” The English word “legacy” [...]

December 16th, 2011|


I am Pre-Occupied. Which is simply another way of saying that I am playing catch-up on the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon as it is being played out here on Cape Cod, across our country and throughout the world. I have read essays and articles thoughtfully provided me by members of [...]

November 8th, 2011|

Sukkah-A-Thon 5772!

I have a confession to make. Despite the fact that the Festival of Sukkot is my favorite Jewish celebration and despite the fact that I have, for many years, erected a sukkah at home, and despite the fact that I have, over the decades, always encouraged others to do so.....I [...]

September 16th, 2011|
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