Rabbi’s Thoughts2018-09-04T16:34:23-04:00


The 11th Commandment

Describing Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (z”l), Krista Tippet, host of On Being, writes: “A mystic, a 20th-century religious intellectual, a social change agent, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel marched alongside Martin Luther King, Jr., famously saying afterwards that he felt his legs were praying.” I have long admired the life, [...]

September 10th, 2019|

David’s Old Silver Swim

[I am pleased to relinquish my column-space this month to my friend and FJC member Dr. Mike Fishbein, who has an important message to share about another friend and FJC member, Dr. David Garber] The 9th Annual David Swim event is scheduled for August 10th. The swim is a [...]

September 10th, 2019|

Medical Aid in Dying

If all goes according to plan, by the time this Newsletter reaches you I will have spent the better part of Tuesday, June 25 in Gardiner Auditorium in the State House, waiting to offer testimony to the Joint Public Health Committee. The focus of my testimony will be a [...]

September 10th, 2019|


Spring Linda Pastan (from Heroes in Disguise. © Norton, 1991) Just as we lose hope she ambles in, a late guest dragging her hem of wildflowers, her torn veil of mist, of light rain, blowing her dandelion breath in our ears; and we forgive her, turning from chilly winter [...]

June 6th, 2019|

Sing to the Eternal a New Song!

Shiru l’Adonai shir chadash...sing to the Eternal a new song.... (Psalm 96:1) For the past eight years our High Holy Day services were graced by the voice, artistry and persona of Stephanie Horowitz, our cantorial soloist. Earlier this year Stephanie informed us that, because of health issues that she [...]

June 6th, 2019|
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