Rabbi’s Thoughts2018-09-04T16:34:23-04:00


Toppling Pharaohs

Thinking back on more than six-decades-worth of Passover sederim I have attended or led, quite a few stand out in my memory: the warm family sederim of my childhood in Baltimore, led by my uncle, Rabbi Morris Lieberman, and the old Union Haggadah that we used; congregational sederim in [...]

March 25th, 2019|

What’s in a name(tag)?

Name-tag Etiquette 101 One of the undergirding principles of life in Falmouth Jewish Congregation is our desire to build and maintain community. We strive to do so in many ways, one of which is by providing a name-tag for each member of our congregation and encouraging them to wear [...]

January 28th, 2019|


As American Jews we stand astride two cultures, American and Jewish, and we’re blessed with their respective fruits. At Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year, we indulge ourselves in rituals of introspection, seeking a trajectory in the new Jewish year that, with work, will make the new year feel [...]

December 18th, 2018|

In the dark, kindling light…

In the dark, kindling light... On Monday evening, October 29, hundreds of people gathered for a candlelight vigil on Falmouth’s Village Green in response to the murder of eleven Jewish worshipers at Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh two days earlier. Introducing that vigil, I spoke these words: “To [...]

November 20th, 2018|

A Jewish Journey

Through the decades that I have worked as a rabbi, some of my deepest satisfactions have come from the interactions I have had with individuals who sought to become Jews and with whom I was privileged to study and learn. In every instance, I have been given the gift [...]

October 30th, 2018|
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