IMPORTANT!! Erev Rosh Ha-Shanah service canceled because of storm threat...Friends,It seems that the worst conditions to be delivered by Hurricane Jose to the Upper Cape area are likely to occur from Wednesday afternoon through the night hours.
The storm is expected to weaken on Thursday. For that reason we are cancelling our Wednesday evening observance of Rosh Hashanah. We will offer our regular schedule of services on Thursday and Friday as published and detailed on the back of your tickets.
At least two precautions are worth mentioning:
- Please be aware that we will not have our typical reception tent receiving line. The tent cannot be installed with the likely prevailing winds, and so we will be ushering folks in as they arrive immediately. Please have your tickets ready and be prepared to quickly take your seats.
- Also, we are aware that some of our members come to us from "over the bridge" and also all the way from the Outer Cape. Even with the storm winding down, the decision to leave home and attend services has to be a personal choice based on the prevailing conditions where you live. Safety and life are more important than any other aspect or responsibility of the day.
Wishing you all the best for the season,
L'Shanah Tovah,
Sam Slarskey, President
Elias Lieberman, Rabbi